Christmas Season: Guide to Curvy Fashion and Gifts

Since lately I have been blogging quite a bit about what to wear and what not to weat this Christmas season, how to prepare in advance for the holidays, and other holiday related good stuff… I decided to get myself organised! In the process I will also be helping all you readers find what you want easily.

All Christmas related blog posts from now on will include this image, including the Christmas tree and cute Santa! This way, you will easily know that the blog post is from the holiday related season. Also, when you click on the link, you are taken to a page which includes only those Christmas related posts. So zap! Like magic, you will only find the holiday related information, in one easy to follow page. This page will obviously be updated with new and upcoming posts.

So from now on, if you specifically looking for Christmas related information, tips and advice, click on the tree and Santa, and you will be taken to all the relevant information we have in store for you! I hope you enjoy this little Christmas section.

I suddenly feel all merry and Christmasy!

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