closet management

Making Sense of Your Closet

I’m currently in the process of moving house, the actual move should be happening around early April, but obviously the preparations for the move have already started. One of the things I have been thinking about, which I would like to make happen in my new apartment, is the re-organization of my closet.

Currently my closet is a maze. I have many items there which I barely wear, some which I constantly wear, and some other items which are reserved for special occasions. Then there are those surprise items: those items of clothing which have gotten deeply buried in the closet you don’t see them for months, and then when you’re in the process of searching for an item, there they are to surprise you. My usual reaction to this is, “Oh my! I had totally forgotten about you!”.

Obviously this is not a healthy closet situation at all. Many a time dressing up turns into a very stressful situation when I cannot find the items I have in mind. So it is of utmost importance that I lay some closet organization rules in my apartment! Or better, train myself at better closet re-organization.

Whilst looking around online for some tips and tricks to help me achieve this, I came across a very interesting e-book which I had to share with you all. This e-book, written by Carol Foster, is called ‘The Marker Method’ and it is a sensible, step-by-step approach to organizing your closets and drawers piece by piece, in just minutes per day. This is exactly what I was looking for! This free to download e-book helps you identify the pieces that form your actual wardrobe, and divide and conquer the rest, to achieve closet heaven.

This e-book is a great start to successful wardrobe planning! So if like me, you’re a little bit dis-organized when it comes to your closet management and need some tips, download ‘The Marker Method’ today. It’s free and quick!

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