Browsing Category: "personal"

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Me

Wednesday, December 27th, 2006 | personal with 2 Comments

Following Glen L. Johnson’s post at his blog, I also decided to reveal 5 things you did not know about me… or maybe you did? Let’s see…

  1. Some of you might be aware of this, however for those who aren’t, I live in a tiny island called Malta which is located in Europe. Malta is smack in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, very close to Italy.
  2. I was bullied about my weight in my childhood, which was followed with an adolescence of struggling to accept my figure for what it is. It has been a long, but worthwhile, journey… as you all know I now love my curves!
  3. I speak 5 languages: Maltese, English, Italian, French and Spanish.
  4. I love traveling, and my favorite places are Vienna, Austria and Miami, USA,
  5. I should be moving house around May, 2007 and will (hopefully) be adopting a baby pug soon after! (can’t wait!)

So who shall I blog tag for a similar post? How about DeluxeGrrl, Ozlem at IGIGI and JJ. Let us know 5 things we didn’t know about you!