Are You A Jeggings Virgin?

by Sarah on June 13, 2011

in Plus Size Fashion Tips

Plus Size JeggingsIf you are still a jeggings virgin (that is, you still do not own a pair of jeggings, or as they are also sometimes called, denim leggings) here are 5 reasons why you should go and buy yourself a pair right away.

1. Comfort: These babies are truly comfortable! If you thought your pair of jeans was comfortable, think again. Jeggings of course are very similar to regular leggings, they are pretty much the same thing except the material, look and feel is different. So they come along with the comfort of leggings, and the stylish look of jeans. A winning combination I think.

2. Versatility: Dress them up or dress them down. Wear them with sandals, wedges, flats or heels. Wear them with something ultra casual, or something more dressy. Whatever you want to pair your jeggings with you can and they can take you lots of places too.

3. Flattering: the favt that jeggings are tight on your legs, help smoothen your thighs and legs giving you a sexy look. So if you have got the legs, one way to flaunt them without showing off much skin in by wearing jeggings. Pair them up with a stylish tunic top, and a pair of heels to help elongate to legs, giving you more height and adding that touch of sassiness (and sexiness too!).

4. Light Fabric: If you live in a place where temperatures truly rise in summer and it gets humid, like I do, then I’m sure you don’t enjoy wearing jeans during the Summer months. They are way too heavy! Although jeggings are made of denim like fabric, they are much lighter and will keep you cool. So if you really want a denim look, but it’s way too hot for jeans, jeggings is the way to go.

5. Support & Tummy Control: Many (in fact most) jegginbgs come with a ton of tummy support. I find this perfect to help smoothen out any wobbly bits you want to keep under control!

Ever since I discovered jeggings they have truly become one of my very favorite items of clothing. One word of warning tough: never wear jeggings (or leggings!) as a regular pair of jeans, as in paired up with a regular length (short) top. I find this very unflattering, and will definitely not help you create a stylish look. Always team up jeggings and leggings with longer length tops, like tunics and asymmetrical length tops.

I find that the best and widest selection of plus size jeggings can be found at Yours Clothing. They have a large selection, including various colors and lengths (they carry cropped style jeggings too) and at really affordable prices. I own about 4 pairs from them, and truly love their fit and quality.

If you hurry, Yours Clothing are running a special of plus size jeggings which ends at midnight tonight (13th June, 2011). Use coupon code jegging at checkout and you will get your new pair of jeggings at 50% OFF!

Related posts:

  1. Where to Buy Plus Size Jeggings
  2. Plus Size Denim Trends for Winter 2009
  3. Free Denim Giveaway at Roaman’s
  4. Plus Size Denim Jeans A Style And Fit Guide
  5. Jeans Too Short? How to Avoid the “Waiting For the Flood” Look

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Moe June 14, 2011 at 5:50 pm

Yes, I’m still a virgin. I have never gotten into the jeggings craze. I’ve never really been into form fitting jeans. I love my bootcuts. And I haven’t worn leggings since college. I do however like what others do with them, very creative.


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