Lane Bryant has recently launched a number of sizzling summer deals, which enables customers to shop around their selection of plus size clothing, whilst making great savings.
Here are the details:
- Save 20% on any order
Enter promotion code 000201506 at checkout
- Save 25% on any order of $75 or more
Enter promotion code 000251518 at checkout
- Take $75 off your purchase of $225 or more, or
Take $50 off your purchase of $150 or more, or
Take $25 off your purchase of $75 or more
Enter promotion code 050001538 at checkout
- Free shipping on any order of $75 or more
Enter promotion code 006951528 at checkout
Besides all the great savings you can make, the great things about these savings and coupons is that they are valid until 11th October, 2007! So you have 3 months to take advantage of all these discounts.
Make sure you bookmark this post, so you can refer to these coupon codes in the coming months, whenever you are shopping from Lane Bryant.