Thanks to Glen over at Full Figure Plus for getting the word out on this one. Stacy Bias, who is the creator of Fat Girl Speaks, is currently writing a book and needs the help of plus size ladies, to share their experiences and contribute to the book:
“a book-in-progress with the working title “FatGirl Speaks”, will consist of a series of monologues suitable for stage performance, all around the topic of fat. Bias intends to interview 150+ women of size, all across the United States, and in Europe, Eastern Europe, Africa, Samoa, Asia, India and South America. Bias will be filming her journey in road-diary style, as well as recording audio of all interviews.”
For more information, and to contribute, check out this press release.
Sara I wish that I could take credit for this I found it reading Big Fat Blog. Its still great information though…Thanks for the compliment.