Real Bodies Unite is appealing to all those women fed up of being bombarded with images of super-skinny, emaciated models, by launching a global campaign to raise 10,000 signatures for the use of realistic body representation in fashion.
Real Bodies Unite is campaigning to get realistic imagery in every field of the fashion industry. The Campaign needs over 10,000 signatures to present to the fashion houses to prove the perspectives and insecurities women feel when unrealistic and airbrushed imagery is used in fashion.
Plus size resource and community website,, has launched the nationwide campaign last month, asking for the support of individuals who are disillusioned with the unrealistic and airbrushed imagery used by the fashion industry.
Although the average British woman is deemed a size 14, use of realistic bodies and beauty is something rarely seen in the fashion industry, which continues to use size six models at best. This misrepresentation often leads to body insecurities with young girls and teenagers turning to unhealthy measures to lose weight, even considering surgery. Girlguiding UK found one in two 16-21 year olds would consider surgery to change their appearance.
“Women across the world want to push forward change.” Explained owner of 100 Percent People; Kathryn Whatton.
There has been a huge response from individuals worldwide regarding body representation which has been seen in renowned women’s magazines; Glamour, V and Brigitte, suggesting that women do want to see real bodies. A recent study conducted by ComRes found 90% of people agreed that the media and advertising industry should use models with a broader range of body sizes. The campaign hopes to improve the body confidence of women, men and teens alike, ultimately reducing eating disorders and creating a healthy body image amongst society.
Kathryn adds, “The petition can be signed at the click of a button, it is simple. Just go on to and help us with our cause.”