%pBq)-C q0ck\,,;h   +%/=;m3     , D 1^  ' m ZO _ / G ] !d   !  9     Are you sure you want to reset your settings? Press OK to continueAuthors Name field nameAuthors URL field nameChoose badge to displayComment Text Area nameCommentLuv Member AreaCommentLuv on by default?CommentLuv requires Wordpress 2.6.5 or newer.Display BadgeDisplay OptionsEmail field nameEnter the text you want displayed in the commentIf you register your site for free at ComLuv.com you will be able to open up lots of features that are for members only like link tracking so you can see which of the comments you make on CommentLuv blogs are getting the last blog post clicked and the ability to send back more than just blog posts. You can even create your own WP2.7 blog there with commentluv pre-installed!.In most cases you shouldn't need to change these settings unless you have a customized comment formMany thanks to Byteful Traveller for creating these images.Please Update!Prepend html before badge or text (optional)Reset to Default SettingsSettingsShow heart on links?Show nothingShow textTechnical SettingsText displayed in the select boxThere were errors with your chosen settingsThis plugin takes the url from the comment form and tries to parse the feed of the site and display the last entry made. If you have any questions, comments or if you have a good idea that you would like to see in the next version of CommentLuv, please visit http://comluv.com and let me know.Use template insert to show badge and checkbox?Project-Id-Version: CommentLuv Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2009-06-19 10:27-0000 PO-Revision-Date: Last-Translator: Donald Language-Team: Donald MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Poedit-Language: Chinese 你确定要重置你的设置吗? 点击OK继续作者姓名区名称作者URL区名称选择显示徽章评论文本区名CommentLuv 会员区域默认启用CommentLuv?CommentLuv需要Wordpress 2.6.5或更高版本。显示徽章显示设置Email区名称输入你想在评论中显示的文本如果你在 ComLuv.com 免费注册你的站点, 你可以启用大量仅供会员使用的特性,比如链接追踪。 该功能可以让你看到你在CommentLuv博客上发表的哪些评论获得点击,并传送回除了博客文章外更多的信息。 你甚至可以建立你自己的预装Commentluv的 WP2.7 博客!在绝大多数情况下无需修改这些设置,除非你有自定义的评论表单。非常感谢 Byteful Traveller 为CommentLuv创作这些徽章请更新!在徽章或文本前置HTML代码 (可选)重置到缺省设置设置在链接上显示红心标志?什么都不显示显示文本技术设置在复选框中显示的文本你选择的设置中有错误。本插件通过获取评论表单中的URL并尝试解析站点Feed来显示评论者站点上的最新文章。 如果你有任何问题和意见,或者你有希望在下个版本的CommentLuv中出现的新功能,请访问 http://comluv.com 告诉我。通过向模版插入代码来显示徽章和复选框?